This week we're going to explore writing techniques for stronger entries. Because all the widgets and whizbangery in the world can't save a blog without strong content ... To do this, we'll look at a mix of "dead tree" tactics, as well as new media content ... and analyses of both.
- Storytelling in the age of content curation
- Making a strong first impression on readers and search bots
- Blog posts deserve snappy ledes (starts)
- Lively lede devices for bloggers (and other authors)
- Nut graf framework to hang the story upon
- More nut graf goodness
- Speaking of suspense...
- Creative nonfiction Plot your posts
- Plot arc: get complicated!
- Transitions: write the sweet segue
- Satisfying blog-entry conclusions
- S.W.A.K. the envelope ending
- Blogs benefit from short, clear sentence structure
- Employ imagery and colorful language in posts
- Murder your darlings
- Avoiding word repetition
- Your mission, week seven
Some of this advice, I hope, will seem very old and obvious to you. That's because experts have spent decades centuries even analyzing what readers enjoy. Hopefully books and dedicated teachers and empirical evidence have brought many of these patterns to your attention already.
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