Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week 8: Photo finesse and advanced geekery

  1. Beyond snapshots: let your art tell a story
  2. Ten composition tips for blog photos
  3. Images as derivative works
  4. The Mona Lisa with a Mustache
  5. Permission to publish: the photo release
  6. Cameras: from your cell phone to a pro SLR
  7. Tinkering with images: software and ethics
  8. Web-friendly image formats and compression
  9. Web-prepping images, a review
  10. Image placement for ace design
  11. Art alignment and text-wraps
  12. Do I need a domain?
  13. Know your Frenemy
  14. Is da bomb?
  15. Your mission, week eight

Tips and Tricks (to come)

  1. Creating a three-column or custom template
  2. Deconstructing a URL
  3. Wrangling Google Analytics

Assignment: Comment on at least five newly discovered blogs and respond to all feedback left on your site. Make at least two posts, one with an image, the other with a video

Feedback: (Amanda) holistic critique