Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tease longer material

Several solutions exist for dedicated wordsmiths who want to explore a topic in-depth. All revolve around the same idea: running pithy, catchy teaser text as your blog entry, then linking to a longer manuscript.

  1. The all-blog, all-star dodge: Game your blogging platform by back-dating a longer post, as Mike does with "Tips and Tricks". This prevents lengthy or slightly off-topic content from crowding the front page. On Blogger, the time-stamp controls are under the post-entry field (fellow Mac culties: click the "post options" arrow).

    Pro: Couldn't be easier, allows readers to leave comments
    Con: Creates a weird dawn-of-time folder in your archives

  2. The static page: Happy news – Blogger just unveiled a stand-alone-page option like WordPress's. You now can create up to ten web pages via Blogger In Draft (watch out for Mike's upcoming Tips & Tricks). Handy for those posting resumes, portfolios and contact details, this feature can also benefit writers with a handful of long pieces.

    Pro: Fairly simple. Draws showcase material on the blog site, possibly increasing inbound links and PageRank Googlejuice.
    Con: Ten is all she wrote.

  3. External site link: connect to the piece showcased elsewhere, from an online magazine to your personal site, as Amanda did in this blog post.

    Pro: Can promote traffic across your sites and offer more design bells and whistles than a blog post.
    Con: Takes a bit more access or web know-how. May draw links and traffic away from the blog.